Nefertiti xo • Another Me


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First impressions matter. Especially in the current rap ecosystem, where immediacy is rewarded and newcomers have but a handful of seconds to win fans over. With that being said, Nefertiti xo has taken an impressive introductory step with two music videos.

Other than the fact that Nefertiti hails from the South Side of Chicago, not much information is readily available about her career. Yet, with the promise of more records to follow, “Timeless” and “Another Me” serve as a window into a captivating new artist.

Packed in just over a minute flexes, “Timeless” sees Nerfetiti’s personality surge as the song moves along even though she flows with a blase attitude. She truly only needs one verse, anyways, to boast about “getting money by the boatload,” the company that she keeps and her opulent taste while empowering the listener.

In “Another Me,” the rapper talks her shit with unmatached conviction. Her confidence is justified because, as she says, there’s too many lame clones out there to be bothered and “If you got beef with me, then you’re late bitch / sign your name up, it’s free to join a waitlist.” A sure-fire self-esteem booster combo, press play on the records and you’ll find it hard to resist replaying them a couple of times over.