Joey Purp • "Gucci Link" (Gyalchester Freestyle)
Quarter Thing coming soon
Gotta love Joey Purp. The SaveMoney maestro impresses every time with that undeniable combo of ear, talent, charisma and being an all around “X” factor. Put more simply, the man knows what sounds good, and makes it happen. Today, the new track is “Gucci Links”, a remix of Drake’s “Gyalchester” track from his “More Life” project. Personally, I’ll be sticking with the Purple version. The booming sub and oh so popular flutes sound killer with Joey’s contented flow, rapping with the carefree confidence that comes from self-belief. "Gucci Links" is Joey painting for us an image of his success, success and respect that he’s continued to earn and has always deserved. Check out "Gucci Links" (Gyalchester Freestyle) from one Chicago's greatest, and stay on alert for his upcoming project Quarter Thing.