Equator Club • "Connection"
when amber is the color of your energy in the club equatorclub.us/connection
Equator Club continues to stand out as one of Chicago’s most exciting up-and-coming DJ / Producers, with deadly skills in both areas. Possessing a clear love for finding and bringing energy to the dance floor, “Connection” dedicates itself to the chance meetings of late nights and like-minded individuals. A talented multi-instrumentalist, you’ll find Equator Club singing on “Connection” as well, only shortly recognizable before running his voice through a gauntlet of filters. The track is dance-able as they come, without ever feeling fleeting. As Equator Club and Them Flavors continue to impress as the summer pushes forward, you should make an effort to see them perform while we’ve still got the summer heat. In particular, check out their show with DJ Paypal at the East Room, coming August 25th.