Premiere • oddCouple: "My Crush"

Since releasing his album Chatterbox, a wonderful project intertwining instrumentals with features from risings acts like Allan Kingdom, Michael Christmas, Pell, WebsterX & more, last year, the giant producer known as oddCouple has been busy. In addition to working extensively with labelmates Jamila Woods and Kweku Collins on their respective upcoming albums, he's been prepping new project of his own. Entitled Liberation, the EP will be serve as a compliment to fellow Closed Sessions producer Boat House's Hibernation which debuted in February to the praises of our staff. Helping to set the table for the upcoming release, oddCouple shares a loosie remix of Mars Today's Summatime Fine originally produced by Esta. Listen to OC's spin on things up top, and check out our Q+A with him below.

These Days: You've always chose wisely when picking songs to remix. What was it about this one that sparked your interest?

oddCouple: I'm a big fan of Esta and the Soulection crew. I think what they do and especially what theyve done for producers is groundbreaking. So I'm always peeping their new stuff and follow them all on soundcloud. Once I heard this Mars Today song I just got hit with all these ideas for banging drums and my whole take just started to form in my head, so damnit I had to it.

TD: When you joined us on These Days radio you spoke to us about your upcoming EP 'Liberation' - can you give us an update on how that's coming along?

OC: Liberation is going really well, starting to gain some steam in terms of the ideas just flowing, making it a work in progress, but I can also really feel it starting to take shape. IT's somewhat of my version of Boathouse's Hibernation, as we kind of all talked about doing EPs at the top of the year. It's going to be another evolution of what I did on Chatterbox but more succinct than expansive. Think more "Graduation" than "Late Registration"

TD: Closed Sessions has been really cooking, what's it it like to be a part of everything going on there right now?

OC: It's been wild. So much has been going on, it's hard to even wrap your head around. One minute we're working on finishing Kweku's project, the next Boathouse is dropping his EP, the next thing we're all getting together making songs, all the while I'm steadily working with Jamila on her debut. It's awesome, it's hectic, it's honestly the kind of grind and situation that you love as a musician, because there's always new music, always friendly competition in the building, and always inspiration in the air.