Stunnaman Stacks & Seer • I SEE MONEY
Contributors: @seeeer @stunnamanstacks @bigbodyfiji @yungbyrds @bigbodybreazy Art by @glocque
Seer and Stunnaman Stacks have done something sick with I SEE MONEY and it’s time we all paid attention. Yes, big surprise, we are head over heels for another Decent Militia release but seriously, this collective came out of nowhere and has dominated the underground for the last 6 months. What makes it special is that each voice, each producer, each drop has a different flavor. These are defined personalities, and you can think of another Chicago movement that was able to pop off to the next level using a similar strategy.
What’s I SEE MONEY’s flavor? A bizarre, psychedelic hustle, with Stunnaman Stacks bouncing along with his incredibly likeable flow and lyrics that really get his sense of humor across, and Seer journeying somewhere deep, his production a voyage. Also featured are DM stalwarts BigBodyFiji, Yung Byrdz. As usual, Decent Gang’s sense of fun is a central philosophy to the project, and to some extent it’s what keeps us coming back at first. But do not make the mistake of seeing these guys as anything but artists and musicians, they know what they’re doing and you don’t create heat by accident. Prepare for a very Decent 2017.
More Decent Militia