Joey Purp • "Performance Art Freestyle"
Goddamn, indeed. The subject of our January cover story, Joey Purp, is really coming for it in 2016, and he doesn't seem to be playing. Earlier today, the SaveMoney member dropped off an unexpected gem in "Performance Art Freestyle" which comes packed with a litany of flows and clever bars we've come to know from Purp. This is all handled alongside a seriously dope backing production from Knox Fortune which sounds like it was crafted in the late night hours at LPeezy with Vic Mensa and Papi Beatz in the room.
“The beat is a buzzing and vibrating monster, intensifying with each word Purp spits, sounding something like fleeing the scene after robbing a bank in a shady area of London.
Knox Fortune rules.””
I'm going to go ahead and speak on behalf of everyone here at TheseDays and say that we are very excited for Purp's upcoming album, iiiDrops, especially Eric. Throughout 2015 there was rampant talk of ghostwriting, stolen flows, and jacked aesthetics and in the world of Drake sharks, Purp continues to prove he's one of the most technically-sound and creatively unique rappers. Both Chance and Vic have called him their favorite rapper and dude continues to parry through assorted flows with relative ease that is only more impressive when seen live. Get this one on repeat. That beat, though!