Mathien • "Love Me Now in Due Time"

"Love me now in due time" is the first single from "Sheep" which will be out shortly after the dawn of 2016. The album is a 9 song collaboration with Vikram Singh, a 15 year old visual artist from Punjab, India. Vikram's keen and delicate eye for the subtle beauty of the world is both striking and nostalgic, and I am very excited to work with such a young and fresh talent. By the time the album is released, any fan of mathien will know who Vikram Singh is. Vikram's Instagram:

These Days our friend Mathien can be found gallivanting around Tennessee, surely getting his kicks in Knoxville and his fix in Nashville*. While we sure do miss our Chris, new releases serve like letters home. The latest of which is entitled "Love Me Now In Due Time". As always, Mathien provides us with words worth thinking about, a chorus begging to be sung and an overall groove that's good for the soul. The single follows last month's "Mad Heart Dance" and a lovely collaboration with Via Rosa & The Mind named "Spin Cycle". Unlike those two offerings, this one is set to be on his forthcoming album Sheep, a nine song project scheduled to release early next year.

*Women, not drugs