Looking Ahead • Santah's Prom-A-Llama
Did you go to prom? Did you awkwardly dance with you high school crush? Did you just awkwardly dance?
Now it's time to relive you prom as shameless adult. These Days spoke to some of the team behind Prom-A-Llama, an adult prom held on Friday, June 10th at 1st Ward Events. Check out Kelly Deasy (Movers & Shakers), Miranda Van Auken (Movers & Shakers) and Stan McConnell (guitar, vocals - Santah) favorite prom memories, classic prom songs and all the action you can expect on Prom night. Dress to impress! Goodbye to your years of underage drinking in your high schools bathroom stall because every advanced ticket comes with a beer courtesy of Goose Island Beer.
The event is headed into it's second (or third?!) year. What's inspired the continued need for adult prom?
SM: "This will be Prom-a-Llama-Boom-Boom number 2. Santah has played an actual high school’s Senior Prom for the last 4 years. Every year we would tell our friends stories about how crazy these kids get, so we finally caved and threw our first adult Prom last year. We thought it was going to be a once-in-a-lifetime excuse for everyone to cut loose, but science actually says that you should cut loose at least once a year. So we’re back."
MVA: "Last year Kelly and I attended and we had a blast but we were super excited to get involved for year 2 and take it to the next level. We had always wanted to throw an adult prom so this perfect collaboration seemed like a no brainer."
Prom-A-Llama Superlatives • Class Clowns: The Kickback
KD: 2nd year baby! We've always brainstormed fun ideas for a prom event and once Santah laid the groundwork after a great one last year, we knew we wanted to team up. We love Santah - who doesn't!? I'm pretty sure the talks for this year's started at last year's Prom-A-Llama. So our wheels have been turning for over a year now and we're ready for it to finally happen. Everyone likes an occasion to get fancy. And everyone needs a good dance floor in their lives.
There are a bunch of great Chicago bands on the bill, who's all playing and what type of tunes can we expect?
MVA: "The line-up includes Santah, The Kickback, Archie Powell & The Exports, The Congregation and Glam Camp. All the bands are primarily playing covers so there will be some fun surprises and collaborations. They have kept the setlists a secret even from us so we don't know exactly what to expect, but certainly some great dance tunes and familiar favorites from every decade."
SM: "The high school principal forbid us from playing too much “boom boom” music, but everything is on the table for the adults at Prom-a-Llama. You can expect the sexiest megahits for today’s upperclassmen. Everyone’s going to be breaking it down with little-to-no self awareness."
Beyond the live music, what other entertainment can we expect?
SM: "The night is a huge collaboration. We have Principal Dale Dentenhower MC’ing the night, a photobooth by Glitter Guts, the naming of King & Queen, senior speeches, a fashion show, and at least one dragon. If you get your tickets and come early, you can also get some limited-edition Prom-a-Llama koozies and a complementary beverage."
KD: "We have a few surprises up our sleeve but the night is going be back-to-back entertainment from a pop-up fashion show by local designer Anastasia Chatzka at 8pm to the crowning of the best dressed King & Queen at the end of the night. Group choreography will be had. A photo booth great for awkward prom poses. Local comedians in character will keep everyone on their toes. And some exclusive Prom-A-Llama party favors for sure."
Prom-A-Llama Superlatives • Best Hair: Archie Powell & The Exports
Where's all the Llama Love coming from?
SM: "Llamas love themselves. They ain’t sorry."
MVA: "The Llama came from the art last year and we carried it over to this year."
KD: "Prom-A-Llama just rolls off the tongue....right?"
Do you all have any personal prom memories?
SM: "My friends and I were on a mission to convince our whole school that Boyz II Men was reuniting for our prom. They didn't show, but later Eric leaned over and vomited directly into Whitney’s purse. I remember watching that happen. Good times."
MVA: "As far as my prom memories, I went with my best friend and we had a blast. Got super sweaty on the dance floor. Plan to do that again this prom."
KD: "I never went to a real prom.......So this is all a selfish plot to plan the greatest prom of the century just for me."
What are the best classic prom songs?
SM: "I think a lot of the 80’s pop/rock megahits are right in the pocket. They can be naïve & heartfelt but also dirty--anything Prince. Also, “Rock Lobster”. One of my friends said they played the entire extended version at their prom. Just like llamas and dragons, I like prom-a-llama-lobsters. We’ve got a veritable zoo here."
MVA: "I am a sucker for all the 80s movie soundtracks hits. Don't You (Forget About Me), the classics."
KD: "If I don't hear Ja Rule I'm leaving."
Prom-A-Llama is Friday, June 10th at Chop Shop & 1st Ward Events (2033 W. North Ave). Tickets are $22.00, $40 (for couples) and the event is 21+.
Santah's latest album Chico is out now at SantahMusic.com.