These Days

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Logan Cage • "I'll Be Somewhere"

Directed and Edited by JKrown and Lucas Christian

Logan Cage always shows up on his tracks, and lyrically you're never going to find any slack. "I'll Be Somewhere" is Logan Cage's latest sample of evidence towards prowess. The track is two minutes long but with a patient feel, a result of great songwriting and relevant to the content of the track, which sees him finding a way to remove himself from the bullshit and relocate mentally. It's meat and potatos raps, an honest look that gives fans insight. It doesn't hurt that producer Flight brought a rattler of a beat to the table, either. This is a producer / rapper combo with serious chemistry, and any track with their names on it is always going to be a must - hear. Logan Cage has continuously impressed, and "I'll Be Somewhere" is something to enjoy for old fans as well as bringing new to the table.

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