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D. Phelps • "One Way" + Exclusive Q&A

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Talent has been popping up left and right around Chicago and one of the newer faces on the scene has been producer D. Phelps who initially made his name working alongside Ohana Bam and a host of locals and popped up most notably alongside Smoko Ono and Stefan Ponce on the production credits for "U Mad" with Vic Mensa & Kanye West. For as much creativity Chicago helps breed, it also comes with a chilly cost that we're now experiencing, often coinciding with a large exodus from the city in the post-holiday barren-ness of January. As such, a whole wave of artists recently headed out to warmer pastures out west with, well "One Way" tickets. D. Phelps is one of those people and his latest single reflects that trend to a degree. We caught up with dude to learn more about the song and what he has coming up, check that out below and the single streaming up above.

"One Way" serves as your introduction to fans as a solo act, what were up to musically before this?

D. Phelps • Before this I was just producing for a lot of artist like Ohana Bam, Chloe and Halle, Vic Mensa, and just chasing the placement game!  

Talk to us about the artists featured on the song, how did you connect with all of them?

D. Phelps • Ohana Bam is actually the artist I moved to LA with and  what's funny is I only knew him for about three months but we were making a lot of dope music together and we had faith in each other and ourselves so I felt he was the perfect guy for the job! Jaime woods was there the day I actually decided to make the song so she was really pivotal in making sure the concept worked. And Eben wares is a incredible songwriter he actually wrote the title track to Bieber's new album purpose! I met him through his manager Brett and in our first session we wrote the hook for one way in like 30 minutes! 

You recently moved out to LA, what sparked the move?

D. Phelps • I just felt it was more opportunity for me in LA than back at home! I just felt like my time ran its course! I'm super grateful to grow up in a musical environment like Chicago which honestly has the best musicians in the world but being in Chicago it's very easy to get overshadowed so I just felt it was time to make a name for myself! 

"One Way" is the first single on an upcoming project, what can you tell us about that?

D. Phelps • Yes I will be dropping a project entitled I.D which is basically a coming of age story of me at 21! Me finally embracing my identity. I.D is a bunch of stories of what I have been through and what I think about a lot. It's really about embracing your identity and finally walking in your purpose! So excited to share this project with everyone!  

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