The Heat Index: AUSAR • poster CHILD (feat. Dende & Sam Williams & the Selah St. Sabina Youth Choir of Chicago)

“poster CHILD” is an early favorite. Not only does it highlight AUSAR’s dexterity as a storyteller, but he uses Chicago’s connective tissue as a device to illustrate his career and personal development. We hear the South Side emcee go from being schoolmates with Taylor Bennett in grade school, to auditioning in front of Chance The Rapper in college to finding himself amidst an exciting new movement in the city as a young adult.

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Loud Amps and Cracked Cymbals: A Conversation with KAFIZA

There are a lot of things I don’t understand about KAFIZA, like how they wrote, recorded, and released their album in one month (the shortest month, at that). Or how they’re managing to book an American tour when they’ve existed for less than six months. But after sitting down and talking to them, some of it started to make sense. I could try to explain, but I’ll let you, reader, suss it out for yourself.

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