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Fourtunehouse Presents: "SPEAK YOUR PEACE"

As friends, neighbors and organizations band together to collectively protest, fundraise and speak up against racism and hate, Fourtunehouse - a creative company that cultivates arts and expression, curriculum-based initiatives, creative events and workshops, and more - has played an active role in using their platform to educate others, support and stand with the Black community. Last week, the Chicago-based organization published its “Speak Your Peace” content series, highlighting black creatives and sharing their personal messages with the greater community.

In an effort to further amplify these voices alongside Fourtunehouse, the These Days team will publish the “Speak Your Peace” series across our social media channels and here on our website. Below, you can read statements from some of our favorite artists including Thelonious Martin, Serena Isioma, Kari and more. This page will be updated daily as new statements from artists are shared.

Keep up with Fourtunehouse’s “Speak Your Peace” series and stay informed on demonstrations, drives and other actions happening within the Chicago community via their Instagram and Twitter.


“What Is Your Message To The People?”


“Now more than ever we must know and act on what we are fighting for, no moment of silence is going to bring peace to violence.”

follow KAMI on Instagram, Twitter, Spotify & Apple Music

Serena Isioma:

“Don’t forget why we’re fighting. Strategize. Come up with written solutions as we gather on the front lines. We need you on the right side of history. Keep fighting.”

follow Serena on Instagram, Twitter, Spotify & Apple Music


“Ownership is the only escape from disappointment. What exactly do we want? What exactly do we need? What does that look like? Let’s continue to educate ourselves. Let’s Plan. I’m extremely proud of every single soul who is fighting for this cause, but I refuse for us to stop here. We can’t go out like that.”

follow Wemmy on Instagram, Twitter, Spotify & Apple Music

Kim Products:

“As a mixed woman, I think it’s even more important for me to speak up in times like this. I refuse to not use my platform to bring attention to the injustices within the system. I think it’s necessary to be out in the streets fighting for what’s right. I want my kids to know that me and my friends protested for days in hopes that they don’t have to. It’s important to have organization, unity, and demands, and the more people involved the better. The more people that understand systematic racism in every aspect of this country, the sooner we can dismantle it.”

follow Kim on Instagram and Twitter

Photo by Dan Piotrowski


“My message to the people is as follows. Stay militant, stay strong, and stay aware. We are not the aggressors of all the chaos happening in the world at the moment. We refuse to be victims of oppressive systems anymore. It’s 2020, if you not with black liberation, the end of institutionalized racism/classism, and the demolition of the corporations that fund the destruction of our communities then you are part of the problem. ”

follow Sonny on Instagram, Twitter, Spotify & Apple Music

Thelonious Martin:

“My message to the people is to remain persistent within our fight and not to be at war with ourselves. Remember to maintain our peace and see the larger picture. Chairmen Fred Hampton became dangerous to our oppressors because of the unity he represented amongst all the disenfranchised and how he unified not only our people but anyone that truly stood with us. There is power in numbers and even when this fight seems dark we have to no matter what keep pushing towards the light that is the abolishment of police, right and fair treatment, and peace for our community.”

follow Thelonious on Instagram, Twitter, Spotify & Apple Music


“My message to the people, especially black people, is that don’t ever feel ashamed in this fight because what you are doing is right. I know it’s hard times right now but as long as we keep sticking together, fighting, and letting our voices be heard we will be alright. And for those who don’t understand, try to take initiative into understanding what’s going on instead of being ignorant to it. Black lives matter and even though it’s sad that we have to show why we matter we gotta show ‘em to the best of our ability and push for justice all over the country and world.”

follow Preme on Instagram and Twitter

Kierra Wooden:

“My message to my people is to never compromise on ourselves, continue fighting because we are deserving of everything we want and what is our birthright. We can no longer be compliant for the sake of just getting by. I want better for us, I want to see a future where we can exist in peace within and outside of ourselves.”

follow Kierra on Instagram

Photo by Dan Piotrowski


“If I could encourage the people to do anything, it’d be to remain persistent through civic engagement. Holding our elected officials accountable is indispensable for tangible change. It’s important for everyone to be aware of what ways they could best contribute — relating to privilege, resources, influence etc. throughout the course of anti-oppression movements post the inception of social media, there’s always been a point in which the attention surrounding the movement breaks. Ultimately, we need to maintain focus on satisfying the collective goal.”

follow Kari on Instagram, Twitter, Spotify & Apple Music

Young Jasper:

“I know if us Blacks built this country, we could build ourselves back up. That’s what Pac was preaching. It’s about being that spark to start the fire again. We need to bring the renaissance back for Black people. We need everything, everything to be ‘beautiful Black’ again.”

follow Jasper on Instagram, Twitter, Spotify & Apple Music

Lerado Khalil:

“My message to the people is anyone and everyone can help. You just have to find ways that work for you and help the people around you. Get out in your community and be heard. Meet the people that are fighting for a better tomorrow with you and build those bonds. Also, make sure to take time to keep yourself in a good head space because the best solider is a healthy solider. I know at times it can feel hopeless, be we need everyone if we want to see an equal future. mental health is very important don’t be afraid to tell people how you feel however that is. Take a break if you need it. That doesn’t mean forget. That doesn’t mean ignore things it just simply means if you need to refuel, refuel because the change we want to see is going to take a lot of work and time. We are being heard we are making progress, we cannot let up. Show niggas love. Protect and built up your people right now because we are constantly trying to be held down we have to be there for each other. Remember it’s a marathon and not a sprint. Keep showing up, keep being heard, keep pushing new ideas. Try to build safe places in your community. Don’t let people tell you how to feel or how to contribute. We seen what unity can do the whole world is protesting. Stay safe and put love first. ”

follow Lerado on Instagram, Twitter, Spotify & Apple Music